Application Development Support: Mapping Files


These are pipe (|) delimited files relating SPL Set IDs with other information. Currently, there are three files:

To download these mapping files, please visit the SPL Resource Page for Mapping Files.

The following diagram shows how they are related:

SPL-RxNorm-Pharmacologic Class Relationship Diagram

SPL-RxNorm Mappings

This file maps SPLs to the RxNorm concept(s) they represent. SPLs may represent multiple RxNorm concepts.

SPL_SETID Uniquely identifies a group of versions of an SPL file.
SPL_VERSION The current active version number of the SPL file.
RXCUI Uniquely identifies an RxNorm concept.*
RXSTRING The normalized name of the RxNorm concept.*
RXTTYPHARMA_VERSION The term type of the RxNorm concept.*

* For more information about these RxNorm terms, please visit RxNorm Overview.

Sample Entry

897ad8b7-921d-eb02-a61c-3419e662a2da|5|904458|Pravastatin Sodium 10 MG Oral Tablet|SCD


This file maps SPLs to their Pharmacologic Class Indexing File(s). Pharmacologic Classes may contain multiple SPLs.

SPL_SETID Uniquely identifies a group of versions of an SPL file.
SPL_VERSION The current active version number of the SPL file.
PHARMA_SETID Uniquely identifies a group of versions of a Pharmacologic Class file.
PHARMA_VERSION The current active version number of the Pharmacologic Class file.

Sample Entry


Zip File Metadata

This file maps SPL Set IDs to their zip file name and drug title. For each SPL zip file name, there will be one and only entry in this file.

SETID Uniquely identifies a group of versions of an SPL file.*
ZIP-FILE_NAME Filename of the zip file containing the SPL.
UPLOAD_DATE Date that the current active version was uploaded.
SPL_VERSION Current active version number of the SPL.
TITLE Title of the drug in the format "DRUG NAME [LABELER NAME]".

* For more information about Set ID, please visit If you do not have Adobe Acrobat, follow this link to download Adobe's free Acrobat Reader software. (Windows and Mac)

Sample Entry

897ad8b7-921d-eb02-a61c-3419e662a2da||11/14/2012|5|PRAVACHOL (PRAVASTATIN SODIUM) TABLET [E.R. SQUIBB & SONS, L.L.C.]